CHARMM c28a3 mmfp.doc

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          The Miscelaneous Mean Field Potential (MMFP) Commands

     The commands in this section are primarily used for setting up special
restraining potentials on some or all of the atoms. The key word MMFP is used 
to enter the MMFP environement.  In the MMFP environment, all miscelaneous
commands (label, goto, if, etc...), and string substitutions (with @1,
@2, etc...) are supported.
The key word END returns to the main parser. The restraining potentials are
used in all energy calculations, unless SKIP is used (see *note 
select:energy.doc).  The subcommand RESET clears the potential.  
This module is still under developement and only the subcommand
GEO is released.  The subcommand GEO (standing for geometrical) is used 
to setup various restraining potential (spherical, planar or cyclindrical 
restraints) on some or all atoms.  The selection specification should be 
at the end of the command.  The default atom selection includes all atoms.
Future subcommands will include continuum electrostatic reaction field 
and solvent mean field potentials. Expected date of release is Spring 1994.

* Menu:

* Syntax::                Syntax of the MMFP commands
* Details::               Descriptions of the GEO subcommands
* Examples::              Examples of GEO subcommands
* Substitutions::         Description and usage of substitution values

File: MMFP ]-[ Node: Syntax
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                    Syntax of basic MMFP commands

GEO reset

GEO [maxgeo INTE] [shape_specification] [position_spec] [RCM] 
                  [potential_spec] [atom_selection] [ DISTANCE atom_selection]
                                                    [ ANGLE atom_selection ]
                                                    [ DIHEDRAL atom_selection ]

SSBP reset

SSBP [atom_selection] [atom_selection] [ssbp_specification]

BHEL [atom_selection] 

SHEL [atom_selection] [shell_options-specification] 

shape_specification:==   { [SPHERE] } [XREF real] [YREF real] [ZREF real]
                         { CYLINDER } [XDIR real] [YDIR real] [ZDIR real] 
                         { PLANAR   }  

potential_spec:== { HARMonic } { INSIDE    } [FORCE real] [DROFF real]
                  { QUARtic  } { OUTSIDE   }        [P1 real] [P2 real]  
                  { EXPOnent } { SYMMETRIC }
                  { GAUSsian }

ssbp_pecification:== KIRKWOOD NMULT [integer (15)]  [DIEC real] [RADI real] 
                           [DRDIE real] CAVITY HSR ANGU

shell_options-specification:== DRSH [real (5.0)] RELA [real (0.0005)]
                               FREF [real (0.9)]
                               RSLV [real (0.0)] FOCO [real (3.0)]

atom-selection:== (see *note select:(select.doc).)

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                    Details of basic MMFP commands

Cancels all restraints in GEO free all space allocated on the HEAP

2) GEO [MAXGEO  int]
Allocate space on the HEAP to be used for all subsequent GEO potential terms.
By default, MAXGEO is set to NATOM unless specified. The MMFP subroutine calls
WRNDIE if there is not enough space allocated. 

3) RCM key word
With the keyword RCM any restraints is not applied to each individual
atoms of a selection but applied to the center of mass of the selected atoms.

5) [shape_specification]
The shape of the potential is chosen from SPHERE, CYLINDER or PLANE key words,
SPHERE is the default.  The shape specification gives the origin 
(XREF, YREF, ZREF) and the orientation (XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR) of a vector 
such that a sphere, plane or cylinder may be defined. Using the 
shape_specification the potential is calculated from the 
general distance from a (x,y,z) reference point (SPHERE), distance from 
an axis (CYLINDER) or distance from a plane (PLANE).  By default, all 
values are zero and the origin of the boundary is at (0.0,0.0,0.0).
If the shape of the boundary requires a unit vector (true for cylinder 
and plane), and no values are given the subroutine will call WRNDIE.

6) [potential_spec] [HARMonic]
The potential specification has a number of 
parameters: [FORCE real] is the amplitude of the potential term
            [P1 real] is a parameter used in the quartic potential
            [P2 real]  unused parameter 
            [DROFF rea] is an offset distance such that GEO(r) = 0 if r<droff
            [INSIDE] the potential used only for r-droff<0
            [OUTSIDE] the potential used is only for r-droff>0
            [SYMMETRIC] the potential used is for |r-droff|
They determine which kind of potential function will be used in combination
with the geometrical shape.  The default is a harmonic potential.  A fourth
order polynomial can be used with the key word QUARTIC, the potential has
the form: GEO(r) = FORC*DELTA**2*(DELTA**2-P1), with DELTA=(R-DROFF).
Using the parameters [FORCE 0.2 P1 2.25] the QUARTIC potential can be used
to setup a spherical boundary potential with a well depth of -0.25 kcal/mol
at r=DROFF+1 followed by a smoothly rising repulsion. Such potential is
appropriate for a water sphere of radius DROFF+1.5 and is  very similar
to that used in SBOUND, see *note sbound:(sbound.doc).
The key word EXPO defines a exponential potential to mimic interfacial
solvation effects:

        = HALF*FORC*EXP(-DELTA/P1),       for r > DROFF
        = FORC*(1 - HALF*EXP(+DELTA/P1),  for r < DROFF

When defined in combination with PLANE shape_specification, this potential
reproduces the "hydrophobic" potential used for  transmembrane polypeptide
by O. Edholm.  and F. Jahnig, Biophys. Chem. 30, 279-292 (1988).
The key word GAUSS defines a similar gaussian potential to mimic interfacial
solvation effects. The parameter P1 gives the width of the interface.

7) DISTANCE key word With the keyword DISTANCE a restraint is setup
between two sets of atoms or between their center of mass if the key
word RCM is used.  A second atom selection must be specified.

8) ANGLE keyword With the keyword ANGLE a restraint is setup between 3
sets of atoms or their center of masses if the keyword RCM is
used. Three sets of atom selections must be made, note that the force
constant is per radian**2 and NOT per degree**2 even though the DROFF
variable (angle constraint) is to be specified in degrees

9) DIHEDRAL keyword With the keyword DIHEDRAL a restraint is setup
between 4 sets of atoms or their center of masses if the keyword RCM
is used. Four sets of atom selections must be made, note that the
force constant is per radian**2 and NOT per degree**2 even though the
DROFF variable (dihedral constraint) is to be specified in degrees

10) SSBP key word
Stands for Spherical Solvent Boundary Potential.  Current implementation of
the method described in Beglov & Roux, J. Chem. Phys., 100:9050 (1994).
The method follows from a rigorous reduction of the multi-dimensional
configuration integral from N solvent molecules (10**23) to "n" solvent
molecules (e.g., 1 to 1000).
The SSBP potential corresponds to a constant temperature and constant
pressure system.  The non-bonded interactions must be treated with EXTENDED
electrostatics otherwise the system is unstable.  There are several
contributions to the boundary potential of mean force:  HSR (hard sphere
restriction) is a term setting the external pressure and surface tension;
CAVITY ressembles to the standard stochastic boundary potential and
corresponds to the van der Waals interactions; KIRKWOOD is the multipolar
expansion for the reaction field due to a dielectric continuum surrounding a
cavity containing a charge distribution;  ANGU is an angular correction that
works for three sites water models and is used to restore the isotropic
angular distribution near the edge of the sphere.  The variable radius of
the sphere is calculated on the fly and does not need to be specified. 
The first atom selection flags the atoms for which the VDW and the ANGU 
potentials are applied.  It also determines the radius of the boundary sphere.
The second selection is optional.  If present it flags those atoms that 
determine the radius of the boundary sphere.  By default, only the first
flags everything; the second selection is there if one wants to remove
some part of the system to determine the radius of the boundary sphere
(such as a large part of a protein in an active site simulation).
For bulkd water sphere simulations, the first atom selection for should 
be "select type OH2 end".  The second atoms selection is optional and 
could be "select type OH2 end" or could be "select (.not. type H*) end".
In NO CASE should the second selection includes the water hydrogens, since
the results were NOT parametrized for this selection.

11) BHEL  key word
Stands for defining the boundary of the primary shell model as described in 
Beglov & Roux, Biopolymers 35: 171-178 (1995).  This method is useful
to provide one layer of solvent around a flexible polypeptide.
The selection should be that of the protein or peptide heavy atoms only.

12) SHEL  key word
Stands for defining the solvent heavy atoms for the primary shell model.
Other options allow to modify the effective force reference (analogous to
the pressure (FREF).

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                      Examples of MMFP GEO subcommnads

1) To setup a harmonic spherical restraint on all oxygens around the origin
   (by default is harmonic potential and a sphere centered at the origin)

GEO  force 100.0 select type O* end

The entirely equivalent detailed command would be
GEO  sphere harm xref 0.0 yref 0.0 zref 0.0 force 100.0 select type O* end

2) The spherical quartic potential is very similary to SBOUND potential
   (Suitable for a sphere of radius of 13.0 angstroms centered at the origin)

GEO  sphere quartic -
     force 0.2 droff 13.0 p1 2.25 select type OH2 end

3) To impose a harmonic restraint on the center of mass of carbon alpha around
  (x,y,z) = (1.0,2.0,3.0)

GEO  sphere  RCM -
     xref 1.0 yref 2.0 zref 3.0 -
     force 10.0 droff 0.0 select type CA end 

4) To apply a harmonic cylindrical tube constraint of 8 angstroms radius, 
   the axis of the cylinder is directed along ydir 1.0 and passes through the 
   point: xref=4.0,yref=5.0,z=6.0)

GEO  cylinder -
     xref 4.0 yref 5.0 zref 6.0 xdir 0.0 ydir 1.0 -
     force 100.0 droff 8.0 select type CA end

5) To apply a planar harmonic constraint with normal in zdir 1.0

GEO  plane -
     xref 7.0 yref 8.0 zref 9.0 zdir 1.0 -
     force 100.0 droff 0.0 select type N* end

6) To fix the distance between the center of mass of two subset of atoms
   (e.g., two domains of a protein, two amino acids, etc...)

GEO  sphere  RCM  distance -
     harmonic symmetric force 10.0 droff 5.0 -
     select bynu 1:10 end    select bynu 11:20 end

7) To constrain the angle between the center of mass of 3 subset of atoms
   (e.g., 3 domains of a protein, 3 amino acids, etc...)

GEO  sphere  RCM  angle -
     harmonic symmetric force 1000.0 droff 5.0 -
     select bynu 1:10 end    select bynu 11:20 end   select bynu 21:30 end

8) To constrain the dihedral angle between the center of mass of 4 subset of atoms
   (e.g., 4 domains of a protein, 4 amino acids, etc...)

GEO  sphere  RCM  dihedral -
     harmonic symmetric force 1000.0 droff 5.0 -
     select bynu 1:10 end    select bynu 11:20 end -
     select bynu 21:30 end   select bynu 31:40 end

9) To reset all GEO potentials to zero and deallocate the HEAP space

GEO reset

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                      MMFP Substitution Parameters

      There are several different variables that can be substituted in 
titles or CHARMM commands that are set by some of the MMFP commands 
(*note miscom.doc).  Here is a summary and description of each variable.


      The total energy contribution of the GEO restraining potentials.


      The position of the center of mass of the last set of atom is returned.


      The position of the center of mass of the second set of atoms is
returned if the key word DISTANCE or ANGLE or DIHEDRAL was issued.


      The position of the center of mass of the third set of atoms is
returned if the key word ANGLE or DIHEDRAL was issued.


      The position of the center of mass of the fourth set of atoms is
returned if the key word DIHEDRAL was issued.


      The distance/angle/dihedral used in the last potential calculation 
      is returned. Set if a MMFP constraint with the keyword DIST or ANGLE
      or DIHEDRAL was used.


      The instantaneous sphere radius for the SSBP method.


Future developments:

1. The SSBP potential will be implemented for active site solvation (in
   which a large part of the protein lies outside the spherical region).  

2. A  primary shell model for the solvation of polypeptides will be
   implmented in the coming year.  For details, see Beglov & Roux, Biopol.
   (1995, in press).
   The method is used for providing a first shell of waters around a
   markedly non-spherical system.  The boundary potential is flexible and
   variable.  It adapts dynamically to the shape of the polypeptide during a

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Information and HTML Formatting Courtesy of:

NIH/DCRT/Laboratory for Structural Biology
FDA/CBER/OVRR Biophysics Laboratory
Modified, updated and generalized by C.L. Brooks, III
The Scripps Research Institute